Shaftesbury Old Girls Association (SOGA) holds data in compliance with the 2018 Data Protection Act in the UK and the principles of the European General Data Protection Regulations in accordance with the guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office for the United Kingdom.
SOGA data protection contact
The SOGA Data Protection contact can be reached through
What personal information does SOGA collect?
Shaftesbury Old Girls Association collects contact details of Alumnae, ex-Staff and ex-Parents in order to provide them with relevant items of interest, News and forthcoming events. The data held includes the following, if provided:
Current postal address
Email addresses with any other relevant personal contact details e.g. telephone numbers
Years spent at Shaftesbury
School House/Form
Current occupation
The legal basis for processing your personal data
The legal basis used for processing your personal data is that of consent. SOGA will not contact you by post or electronic mail unless you have requested us to do so.
What is the minimum age I can sign up for SOGA membership?
If you are aged 18 or under, please obtain your parent or guardian’s permission before you provide personal information to SOGA.
How is my information stored?
The information detailed above is held on a cloud-based database. Two current members of the SOGA committee have access to this source data. The information has been provided by the individuals who have requested to receive information from SOGA and who have given their consent for this information to be held. This information is not shared with any other member of SOGA without the consent of the member concerned. This information is only available to appointed Committee members.
How does SOGA use my information?
SOGA will use your information to send you e-Newsletters or paper Newsletters according to preference and to keep you updated of events, as well as information from relevant third parties which might be of interest to SOGA members.
Who is my information shared with?
Part of the activities of the Association include the setting up of regional and country representatives to co-ordinate events and meetings. In these instances, you may be asked to give consent to your information being shared with the representative for your geographical area. Your refusal to give such consent does not mean that you will not receive information about SOGA unless you expressly request this. If you do give your consent to your data being shared with the appropriate representative, you need to be aware that this information may be held on a computer to which SOGA has no access and cannot guarantee the security of this data.
How long will you hold my data?
Your personal data on the SOGA database will only be held for as long as you wish to receive information from SOGA. You have the right to request what information SOGA holds on you at any time or with whom your data has been shared by contacting the Database Manager at
How can I change my personal details or request for my data to be removed from the database?
If your personal information changes, you can amend your details at the bottom of any email received from Mailchimp, our database and group email provider, or by emailing us at
You have the right to ask for your removal from the database at any time by emailing the Database Manager at
Using our website
If you contact the Society via our website at, your data may also be available to our website provider, who will also be bound by Data Protection legislation. On a basic level, this is to enable analysis of demographics, interests and behaviour of our users and supporters to help us gain a better understanding of how to improve our services. This may include connecting data we receive from you on the website to data available from other sources. Your personally identifiable data will only be used where it is necessary for the analysis required, and where your interests for privacy are deemed to outweigh their legitimate interests in developing new services for us. In the case of this activity the follow will apply:
a) Your data will be made available to our website provider
b) The data that may be available to them include any of the data we collect as described in this privacy policy.
c) Our website provider will not transfer your data to any other third party, or transfer your data outside of the EEA.
d) They will store your data for a maximum of 7 years.
e) This processing does not affect your rights under under the other parts of this privacy policy.
What happens if I follow links on the SOGA website?
If you follow links to other sites from the SOGA’s website, your data will be subject to the privacy policies on those sites. You should familiarise yourself with the privacy policy of these sites before providing them with your data.
Cookies are text files placed on your computer with your permission to allow websites to function properly. They can track what is in your shopping basket or which pages you have visited.
Some cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website and do not require consent. Others may provide analytics showing which pages are the most popular – providing a better quality of experience for the website users.
You will be asked for your consent to our use of cookies when you first visit this website. You can choose not to accept cookies but these may mean you are unable to use certain services on the website such as the shopping cart.
You can delete your cookies on your browser’s memory , but this may mean you will be asked for consent on future visits to our site.
If you wish to block cookies prior to visiting our website, you can set your browser to block cookies.
Can I ask to see what information SOGA holds on me?
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016, it is your right to see the information SOGA currently holds on you by making a Subject Access Request. SOGA must respond to within 28 days of receipt of such a request. There is no charge for making such a request.
You should send any request for this information for the attention of the Data Protection Lead at
Is there anyone I can complain to if I am unhappy about how SOGA is using my information?
If you wish to raise a complaint with regard to the use of your data, this should be raised in the first instance with the Database Manager at
If you do not consider the response satisfactory, you have the right to forward your complaint to the Information Commissioner for the UK at Alternatively you can ring 0303 123 1113 or write to Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.
May 2021