Welcome to SOGA
Home to the former pupils
of St Mary’s Shaftesbury
Relaunched in 2020
For the community of St Mary’s School Shaftesbury
A note from the Chair
Welcome to the newly launched SOGA, which we hope will help you reconnect with friends old and new.
When the news was confirmed in July 2020 that the School - a provider of first-class Catholic education for girls for the last 75 years - would close, there was a huge feeling of shock and sadness.
Those of us who had been involved in the original SOGA, and several more former pupils since, decided to resurrect the Association. The new committee now includes former staff, parents and girls.
We have ambitious plans and have no doubt that, as Mary Ward famously said: ‘Ther is no such difference between men and weomen that weomen may not doe great matters, as we have seen by example of many Saints who have done great things: and I hope in God it will be seene that weomen in tyme to come will doe much’.
Corinne Gibbons
Mission Statement
“Let your love at all times be rooted in God and then remain faithful to your friends” Mary Ward.
To maintain and foster connections among Alumnae.
To provide and support a mentoring network for Alumnae.
News & Events
To share Alumnae news, information and arrange events.
To reinforce Christian values in the community.
SOGA 2021
Get Back in Touch
We’d love to hear from you if you wish to learn more about the SOGA network and activities.
News & Events
For the latest information on forthcoming news and updates, sign-up below.
Become a Member
Find out about the benefits of becoming a Member of the St Mary’s Old Girls Association.